
Day 1 - November 23

  • 09:00 – Registration (+ Badge pick-up and coffee)

    WIFI access network [ CFWB_Guest ] Password [ WIFI-GUEST@CFWB ]
    Full abstracts for keynote, oral presentations and posters can be found in the PDF ABSTRACT BOOK
  • 09:30 – Welcome address

  • 09:45 – Yana Fandakova - University of Trier, Germany

    Cognitive control contributions to learning and memory: Lifespan development and neural plasticity.
  • 11:00 – Coffee break

  • 11:30 – Masud Husain - University of Oxford, United Kingdom

    When the spark goes out: The neurology of apathy and motivation.
  • 12:45 – Lunch and Posters

    Guided Poster Session 1: 13:15-14:15 (posters list)
  • 14:45 – Oral presentations Session 1

    • Talk 1.1. Charlotte Anckaert et al. (ULB) Sleep deprivation increases belief update and suppresses confirmation bias in decision tasks
    • Talk 1.2. Matthijs Moerkerke et al. (KULeuven) Chronic oxytocin administration does not rescue reduced neural sensitivity towards emotional faces in autism
    • Talk 1.3. Michele Fornaciai (UCLouvain) Perceptual history biases entail sensory modality- and dimension-specific mechanisms
    • Talk 1.4. Paradeisios Alexandros Boulakis et al. (ULiege) Age-dependent attentional style and arousal regulate the reportability of spontaneous mental states
    • Talk 1.5. Elena Eccher et al. (Universita di Trento) A universal left-to-right bias in number-space mapping across ages and cultures
  • 16:00 – Coffee Break

  • 16:30 – Gaël Chételat - Université de Caen, France

    Preserve your mental health to protect your brain : background, mechanisms and evidence.
  • 17:45 – End day 1

  • 19:00 – Social dinner

    Social dinner (sold out) is held at the University Foundation, Egmontstraat / Rue d'Egmont 11 - 1000 Brussel / Bruxelles

Day 2 - November 24

  • 9:00 – Giorgio Vallortigara - Università di Trento, Italy

    A Brain for Animacy: from Animal Models to Human Babies.
  • 10:15 – Coffee break

  • 10:45 – Emily Jones - University of London, United Kingdom

    Uncovering developmental paths to neurodevelopmental conditions: Dynamics over time.
  • 12:00 – Lunch and Posters

    Guided Poster Session 2: 12:30-13:30 (posters list)
  • 14:00 – Oral presentations Session 2

    • Talk 2.1. Roberta Pia Calce et al. (UCLouvain) Crawling from noise to knowledge: Development of sound categorization in infancy
    • Talk 2.2. Muhammet Ikbal Sahan et al. (UGhent) Oculomotor replay as a retention mechanism for visuospatial information in short-term memory
    • Talk 2.3. Sylvie Nozaradan et al. (UCLouvain) Infants show enhanced neural activity to the musical beat beyond low-level sensory features
    • Talk 2.4. Soleane Gander et al. (ULB) Theta-band functional connectivity processes involved in the dynamic formation of new declarative representations in school-aged children
    • Talk 2.5. Ward Deferm et al. (KULeuven) Microstructural alterations in white matter tracts involved in social emotional processing after preterm birth
  • 15:15 – Coffee Break

  • 15:45 – Victoria Leong - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

    Neural Sociometrics: Precision assessment of parent-child brain-behaviour interaction dynamics.
  • 17:00 – Best Poster prize and closing of the conference